Dinosaur Timeline Gallery

Million Years Ago

The Permian Period, at the end of the Paleozoic era, marked a great changes in the Earth's climate and appearance. Trilobites and other marine groups became extinct, and a group of small reptiles (diapsids) abound. These were the ancestors to most modern reptiles and the ruling dinosaurs as well as pterosaurs and crocodiles. Thriving also, were the early ancestors to mammals (synapdia), which included some large reptiles such as dimetrodon. Reptiles grew to dominance among vertebrates, because their special adaptations enabled them to flourish in the drier climate. The warm zone spread in the northern hemisphere, where extensive dry desert appeared. The rock formed at that time were stained red by iron oxides, the result of intense heating by the sun of a surface devoid of vegetation cover. the old types of plants and animals died out.



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